Loving the Skin You're In: Tips for Building a Positive Body Image In a World of Comparisons

Loving the Skin You're In: Tips for Building a Positive Body Image In a World of Comparisons

Body image is a combination of feelings and thoughts that you may have about your body. A person's subjective perception of their body can range from positive to negative, and they can feel both positive and negative emotions at different times. Both internal (inner life/personality) and external (social environment) elements impact one’s body image. Having a more positive view of your physical body includes self-acceptance and self-appreciation, while also focusing on self-care. In our world of relentless comparisons and unrealistic beauty standards, it can be difficult to feel good about the way we look. Working towards that goal is a process, but it is not impossible. Here are some helpful suggestions to start creating a positive body image:

Focus on what your body is able to do instead of what it looks like, or what it might have difficulty doing. Our bodies are the vehicles that allow us to laugh, cry, dance, sense, create and experience wonderful things. We are much more than how we appear. Focus on your body’s strength, achievements and individual beauty. 

Surround yourself with people who are non-judgmental, supportive and optimistic about their bodies. Evaluate your relationships - do those in your circle speak positively about their own bodies, or are they critical and self-loathing? It’s perfectly okay to set boundaries with friends/acquaintances around what is and isn’t comfortable to discuss. If it feels safe, express to your friends and family that you prefer not to engage in negative body self-talk. 

The way in which we perceive ourselves and our bodies is relentlessly influenced by the media. When scrolling through TikTok or Instagram, focus on how those images make you feel. It is important to be realistic about what you are seeing. Many of these images are edited, adjusted, filtered and carefully curated. Limiting your social media use is generally beneficial for many things, including improving positive body image. 

Sometimes we try on clothing and realize that it no longer fits as it once did. That’s okay. Over time, bodies change, grow and age. Instead of beating yourself up, recycle those clothes, or hand them down and if possible, reward yourself with something new that fits and feels good.

Identify your positive qualities; try making a list of your best attributes that have nothing to do with physical appearance. Are you kind? Patient? Creative? Loyal? Passionate? Loving? Intelligent? Also, try using compliments that are not related to appearance. Appearance is just a small sliver of our whole self. 

Treat your body with kindness and love. Engaging in daily self-care activities, like taking a bath, or having a manicure or treatment to nurture yourself are all examples of self-love.

If body image concerns are seriously disrupting your life, you might want to consult with a mental health professional. At Thrope Therapy, we strive to maintain the following core principals in our sessions: Weight Inclusive Care and Intuitive Eating.

Feel free to reach out and schedule your free 15 minute consultation today. Please email us with any questions or inquiries at hello@thropetherapy.com.


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