Overcoming Social Anxiety in New York: Thriving in the City's Social Scene

Overcoming Social Anxiety in New York: Thriving in the City's Social Scene

New York City is one of the most crowded and bustling cities in the US. It is a great place to meet new people, try different things, eat unique food, and explore the many opportunities the city offers. However, it can also be overwhelming, especially for folks with social anxiety. Social Anxiety Disorder can be defined as an intense and persistent fear of being judged by others. Social Anxiety Disorder can interfere with basic daily life activities, like going to the grocery store or filling up your gas tank. With its constant sirens, jackhammers and relentless honking horns, New York City can seem like the most intimidating place in the world. Whether you are a newcomer to the city or a longtime resident, here are some helpful strategies for managing social anxiety: 

Start off small and build yourself up. Large crowds and busy social settings can be very anxiety- provoking, so it may be easier to start off in a less crowded or quieter place. Try spending time in areas like parks, bookstores, museums, cafes, or libraries. 

Explore your surroundings. Getting to know your environment and having a better sense of  your community/neighborhood can help you adapt. Take time to explore your neighborhood – where are the local spots? Check out the restaurants, boutiques, cafes and pocket parks that exist around you. 

Seek out friends to do activities with. Try group meetups or neighborhood book groups, for example. In a city of over 8 million, your people are here - those who share and relate to your passions, interests, and identity. Shared hobbies or activities provide built-in conversation. For example, you could take a pottery class at an art studio or participate in a group exercise class. Even forming one friendship can help alleviate social anxiety and open up your world to other potential friends and social situations. 

Finally, try to embody confidence! Despite feelings of fear, trepidation and anxiety, embrace confident behaviors like strong eye contact and an open and friendly demeanor. Confidence often follows action. 

Living in New York City can be scary and stressful at times, but despite its sometimes intimidating size, it is indeed a remarkable city in which to build community and find connection. Start with small steps, act with confidence and gradually familiarize yourself at a pace that feels safe to you. The Big Apple will soon feel like your oyster. 

If you are experiencing challenges with social anxiety, we are here to support. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation today. Please email us with any questions or inquiries at hello@thropetherapy.com.


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