5 Tips on Starting a Self Love Journey


5 Tips on Starting a Self Love Journey

Starting a self love journey can feel like a huge task. Making some small shifts can make a huge difference in your relationship with yourself and here I will offer 5 things to try!

As you embark on this journey the most important thing to remember is that this journey is not linear. Just like any other healing journey, there will be ups and downs. Be kind to yourself as you start practicing new ways of thinking!


Tip #1

Make a list of things that you like/love about yourself. This list is best utilized when viewed as a living, breathing, growing thing. As you notice things you like, add them to your list. You make a friend laugh and you realize that you are hilarious, add it to the list. You glance in a mirror and see something you like, write it down. Allow this list to develop over time and continue to add to it as you experience life. Once the list is expansive, you can visit this list in times where you might be struggling, it can help you reset and remind you of all the things you have liked in moments about yourself. I suggest making this list in your notes app so you have it with you at all times.

Tip #2

Develop a self love meditation practice. Meditation is one of the best ways to manage anxiety and can be really accessible. I find the best way to start a meditation practice is to breathe. Taking ten deep breaths, paying close attention to the way the breath moves in and out of your body, creates a short meditation. Each day creating space for this type of practice, you can start to shift the focus of the meditation. In order to target self love more specifically try inhaling feelings of love towards yourself and exhaling judgment for yourself. As you get deeper into your meditation practice you can continue to explore ways that meditation serves you.

Tip #3

Journal! Journaling has always been an act of self love. It can be hard to sit down and truly write out how we feel, but once we are able to get into a routine with journaling it can be so helpful. Since we spend so much time on our devices, try picking out a journal you really love, and find a pen that inspires you to write! When you sit down to journal, instead of stating everything that happened to you, try to write intuitively. Recognizing how you feel right here, right now, and moving with whatever comes to mind. Spending this time with yourself to release some emotions can help you develop a stronger relationship with yourself. This is important if we aim to feel love for ourselves!

Tip #4

Find movement that feels intuitive to you. Instead of doing movement that you believe you “should” do, find movements that feel good in your body. There are so many different ways to move your body and it is important that the movement makes you feel good as you do it! To do this, try out a few different types of movement and figure out what feels best for you. I also encourage you to develop your own movement, putting on your favorite playlist and letting your body move! 

Tip #5

Groom your social media accounts for content that boosts your feelings about yourself. Take time to identify which accounts on your feed are lifting you up and which accounts are dragging you down. Being intentional with social media is so essential during this journey towards self love. Curate a feed that helps you experience feelings of joy and happiness!


Self love is such a wonderful and admirable practice. I wish you all the best in this journey and if you find that you need a little extra support in finding this self love, reach out. Reach out to friends, family, loved ones or even a trained professional. In order to book an appointment with me, check out the contact page on the website!

If you are experiencing low self-esteem and self-love, due to stress, anxiety or depression, we can help. Schedule your free 15 minute consultation today.

Please email us with any questions or inquiries at hello@thropetherapy.com


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