Goal Setting


Goal Setting

Many people find journaling incredibly healing and helpful when preparing for goals. During the goal setting process journaling can be helpful in identifying what it is that you want to change. As you journal there is a physical connection between your thoughts, the pen and the page and there is great power in the tangible written down words. As you allow yourself the space to express in words what it is that you want to achieve it feels more real than a passing thought in your head. By writing something down in a journal there is more structure to the goal and you have an organized place to process your journey with the goal. Coming back to read the origin of the goal can be helpful in keeping up your motivation as you aim to achieve the goal.

The benefits of using a goal planner are increased self confidence, increased self reliance and anxiety/stress relief. Writing in a goal planner can help someone feel confident as they start a new goal. By having a place where you can write your successes and challenges and process them you create a sense of self reliance. You are able to be your own support with your own words written on the paper.  A guided goal planner will also prompt you to process the challenges or ways that you want to course correct. Writing in the journal can really help you stay on track and also see your progress. It can also be nice to revisit your earlier thoughts as you get closer and closer to achieving the goal.

A good goal setting journal incorporates things that you feel excited about. When you look at the pages, questions jump out at you and you are already thinking about what you would write. Perhaps the journal is colorful which represents your excitement about the process. Pick a journal that aligns with your values. Does the journal focus on flexibility as you aim to reach your goal? or is it rigid in its suggestions. The best journal is one that feels aligned with your values and seems like something you will actually pick up and write in. Check out a local bookstore to actually feel the physical book before you make a decision. Try a bullet journal for the most customization. 



Last tip is to be kind and compassionate towards yourself. When you are making any kind of change there are going to be hard days. Be flexible in your thinking and seek out support when you need it!

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